Matching Donation Challenge for the H. John Barnes Scholarship

Matching Donation Challenge for the H. John Barnes Scholarship

Dear AAAP Members,

The AAAP Foundation Development Committee would like to let you know about a matching donation challenge for the H. John Barnes scholarship!  In an effort to reach the $40,000 needed to fully fund the Barnes scholarship, we have a generous donor who is willing to match any donations made to the Barnes scholarship, up to a maximum amount of $2,000.00.  The deadline for this matching challenge will be June 1st.  To make a donation to the Barnes Scholarship, you can mail a check to the AAAP office, or donate online at Please make sure that you designate your donation to go to the H. John Barnes scholarship.  All donations are tax deductible and go towards qualifying donors for inclusion into the AAAP Foundation Guilds.  Any donations made to the Barnes scholarship between now and June 1st will be credited towards this challenge, so don't delay!  Thank you!

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