Hello AAAP Members,
Thank you to everyone who attended the Mindfulness webinar on March 23rd! A few resources as well as a recording of the lecture from the speaker, Renee Machel are below.
Access the replay here or via this Zoom link (introductions end and webinar begins at timestamp 13:20): https://aviagen.zoom.us/rec/share/plOae2Jo-MBgseL08CVer0Clchzl3vF1dbMYX7tYbjLOjzlQVWStxyXvy6i1k-ZL.jsDhTTrEsM3QeJ9Q?startTime=1648075711000 (Passcode: =7GALejb)
- Post Presentation Mindfulness & Meditation tools, guided meditations, one-sheets etc.
- Downloadable templates for implementing boundaries, addressing the life-wheel and other worksheets to enhance wellbeing holistically.
- Email Community where Renee sends monthly Mindful Mondays and other helpful information relative to adopting Mindfulness into daily life.