We Remember Dr. Nik Mohd Faiz Nik Mohd Azmi
1985 - 2022
Dr. Nik Mohd Faiz Nik Mohd Azmi, known to many as Nik, was born in Kelantan, Malaysia. He grew up in a rural agricultural area and always wanted to pursue a career where he could make a difference in the lives of people and animals, which is the main reason he pursued a career in veterinary medicine. During the fourth year of his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program, he developed an interest in poultry. He was inspired by his mentors at his school and became a young lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia. With increased interest in poultry, he obtained a Master of Veterinary Medicine degree in avian medicine. After completing his Master’s program, the Malaysian government funded his doctoral degree at the College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University. His doctoral research was focused on Marek’s disease under the supervision of Drs. Isabel Gimeno and James Guy. In 2016, he defended his doctoral thesis and also received the AAAP Richard B. Rimler Memorial Paper award for his outstanding research. The following year, he achieved diplomate status in the American College of Poultry Veterinarians. After his return to Malaysia, he rejoined the faculty at the Universiti Putra Malaysia. His research on Marek’s disease virus-induced immunosuppression is extremely relevant to understand the current challenges faced by the poultry industry due to Marek’s disease virus. In his short tenure at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, he established his research program and supported the poultry industry gaining the trust and appreciation of his peers both within and outside of the University. At the time of his premature death on December 17th at the age of 37 years, he was a senior lecturer at the Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
He was loved by his peers and students for his exuberant kindness and happiness. His students viewed him as a mentor and also as a friend; he was an exemplary role model for many aspiring veterinarians. To his family and friends, he was kind, gentle, and selfless. He always had a bright outlook on life and approached every situation with a lighthearted enthusiasm. Nik’s perpetual smile and positive attitude reminded us to always find the joy in life. He is survived by his parents, siblings, wife, Sheereen and 6-year-old daughter, Hana.