Credentialed CandidatesCredentialed candidates are those who have completed the application process and have been approved to sit for the exam but have not yet passed the exam in the time allotted. Candidates should be familiar with the following deadlines, documents, and policies. 2025 Exam DatePractice Exam: August 19, 2025 Location of ACPV Exam
The upcoming exam will be conducted in multiple locations in North America. The following locations have been confirmed as examination sites:
ACPV Exam Site AddressesUniversity of Georgia Purdue University NC State University Aviagen Facility UC Davis, CAHFS Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Spelling Policy
1. The spell check tool is enabled for the short answer (questions 1-6) portion of the practical exam. Please note however, that etiologic or proper names may not be in the ExamSoft spell check system therefore, candidates will need to be able to know correct or incorrect spelling for etiologic agents and proper names. The Short Answer section will not have any spelling or grammar deductions. 2. Candidates will be graded on writing clarity, spelling, and grammar for the essay portion of the Practical Exam (questions 7-10.) Spell check will be enabled for this section as well, but the same notes apply for etiologic agents and proper names. Writing clarity, spelling, and grammar assessment is worth 20% (or 2 points) of each question. The rubric options include the following 4 grading levels: a. Ideal: 2.00 points IMAGES EXAM SPELLING CONSIDERATIONS All answers must be spelled correctly for the fill in the blank questions. These mainly consist of etiologic agents and disease names. No partial points will be rewarded. Incorrectly spelled diseases and etiologic agents will result in zero points. All spellings for etiologic agents and disease names are based on the spelling in Diseases of Poultry. Exam Fee and Exam Completion PoliciesAn applicant will have three years, representing three consecutive examination periods, to successfully complete all phases of the examination. A fee as determined by the Board shall be charged for each and every examination. Any applicant who has not successfully completed three phases of the examination within three years after the application will be permitted to reapply after the third year. Such applicants will be required to submit a new application and examination fee. The applicant will be required to complete the entire sequence, comprising all three parts (phases) of the examination. Fees for ACPV ExamFirst Time Candidate $700. Due April 1
Paying the Exam Fee
Payments can be made by credit card, or a check made out to a U.S. bank. To pay using a credit card, go to the following payment form. Exam Fee form. Checks should be mailed to:
12627 San Jose Blvd., Suite 202 Jacksonville, FL 32223-8638
Policy for Deferring of Certification ExaminationThis policy outlines the procedures for candidates who elect not to take the examination even though credentialed with all fees paid. All candidates have a three-year window, beginning with the first year they are accepted, to complete the exam. If the candidate has not passed all sections of the exam within the three-year window, they must follow the procedure for eligibility timeline (see, “EXAM FEE AND EXAM COMPLETION POLICIES.”) An exam fee is required each year a candidate sits for the exam. If the candidate has paid an exam fee and then elects not to write the exam, they must notify the Executive Vice President by 1 June of the exam year, or the examination fee will be forfeited to the ACPV. Grading TimetableCandidates will be notified of exam results no later than 8 weeks after completing the exam. Successful candidates will be admitted into the College no later than 10 weeks after completing the exam. Candidates will receive their diplomas at the ACPV Annual Business Meeting the year following successful completion of the exam. Disability PolicyCandidates can request disability accommodations. Please see the handbook pg.11 for details. The form to request special accommodations is included in the exam fees payment form. The due date to request special accommodations is April 1. |