2025 ACPV Workshop

April 6, 2025
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Current Perspectives on Poultry Welfare

2025 ACPV Workshop Program 


To Register

Registration Fees: 

ACPV member: $175.00 

Non-member: $225.00 

Student: $50.00 

To Make Your Reservation

Rooms must be booked before March 15th in order to secure your $189/night discounted room rate.  Click the link above to make your reservation or call Marriot Reservations directly at

The Westin Calgary
320 4th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2S6

To Become a Sponsor 

We hope you will consider supporting the 2025 ACPV Workshop. Sponsors will receive exposure in messaging before the workshop, at the live portion of the workshop and on the ACPV learning management site.


Section 1: Foundational Concepts of Animal Welfare

7:00 AM-8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast

8:00 AM-8:10 AM


8:10 AM-8:45 AM

Where did we come from and where are we now: Evolving animal welfare models 
Kate Barger-Weathers, KB Welfare Consulting

8:45 AM-9:15 AM

Fostering better care for our animals: A Blueprint for an effective animal welfare program 
Ken Opengart, 3 Birds Consulting

9:15 AM-9:40 AM

Animal welfare assessment: A comprehensive measurement approach to drive continuous improvement 
Kathleen Long, Maple Leaf Foods

9:40 AM-10:00AM

Panel Q & A

10:00 AM-10:20 AM

Coffee Break


Section 2: Technology Innovations to Drive Continuous Improvement in Animal Welfare Outcomes 

10:20 AM-10:40 AM

Using technology to improve genetics and advance animal welfare outcomes 
Tom Riek, PIC

10:40 AM-11:00 AM

Advancing on-farm health and welfare through advanced monitoring and machine learning  
Ed Pajor, University of Calgary

11:00 AM-11:20 AM

OPTIFLOCK camera/computer system for the advancement of poultry welfare 
Marian Dawkins, University of Oxford (Virtual)

11:20 AM-11:40 AM

Commercial applications of vision systems to monitor animal welfare outcomes in processing plans 
Yolande Seddon, University of Saskatchewan 

11:40 AM-12:00 AM

 Panel Q & A

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Lunch Break (On Your Own)


Section 3: Customer, Consumer, and NGO Perspectives

1:00 PM-1:30 PM

What Consumers Know, What They Don't Know, and Why It Matters
Mike Von Massow, University of Guelph

1:30 PM-1:55 PM

Engaging with interest groups: How can NGOs partner with the poultry supply chain to make meaningful improvements in animal welfare?
Darren Vanstone, OCATRA

1:55 PM-2:20 PM

National Farm Animal Care Council: Learnings from Canada’s multi-stakeholder approach to developing Codes of Practice for farmed animals
Jackie Wepruk, National Farm Animal Care Council

2:20 PM-2:45 PM

A customer perspective: What do supply chain customers expect from poultry suppliers to continuously improve animal welfare?
Angela Griffiths, A&W Canada

 2:45 PM-3:00 PM

Panel Q & A

3:00 PM-3:15 PM

Coffee Break


Section 4: Hot Topics in Animal Welfare 

3:15 PM-3:30 PM

On farm hatching and technologies and adoption   
Marco Volpé, Groupe Westco (Virtual)

3:30 PM-3:45 PM

In ovo-sexing technologies and adoption 
Mike Petrik, McKinley Hatchery

3:45 PM-4:00 PM

Advances in humane endings
Jeff Hill, Livestock Welfare Strategies

4:00 PM-4:15 PM

Innovation in Poultry Lighting to Improve Welfare and Performance Outcomes of Practice for farmed animals 
Karen Schwean-Lardner, University of Saskatchewan

4:15 PM-4:30 PM

Enriching Lives: Enhancing Broiler Flocks with Enrichments
Karen Schwean-Lardner, University of Saskatchewan

4:30 PM-4:45 PM

Panel Q & A


2025 ACPV Workshop Sponsors

The following companies have already contributed to the 2025 ACPV Workshop.




 Boehringer Ingelheim


Maple Leaf Foods Inc.


Center for Food Animal Wellbeing

