Allied Association Groups
Association of Veterinarians in Broiler Production
Eric Heskett, President The Association of Veterinarians in Broiler Production (AVBP) is a professional organization representing the nation's broiler industry. Dedicated to the promotion and betterment of this industry, membership is limited to Veterinarians working directly with broiler companies. We currently have 38 active members representing 19 U.S. Broiler companies. AVBP is committed to uniting the voices of the broiler Veterinarians in order to meet the health and welfare needs of our broiler chickens.
Association of Veterinarians in Turkey Production
Elizabeth Beilke, President The Association of Veterinarians in Turkey Production (AVTP) is an organization whose purpose is to promote communication and education among its members. AVTP Membership is by invitation only and is extended to any individual who: 1) possesses a degree in veterinary medicine and; 2) works for a production company raising market type turkeys and/or breeder type turkeys producing hatching eggs (primary breeder, multiplier breeder, or commercial), or works for one of the State or national turkey commodity groups.
Association of Poultry Primary Breeder Veterinarians
Isa Ehr, President This Association of Poultry Primary Breeder Veterinarians composed of representatives from the poultry primary breeders in North America representing more than 60 percent of the world supply of meat-type chicken, eggtype chicken, and turkey breeding stock. The group works to address issues related to bird health and welfare, international trade of poultry breeding stock, food safety, and public health.
Association of Veterinarians in Egg Production
Eric Gingerich, President The Association of Veterinarians in Egg Production was formed to promote communication among the veterinarians working with egg-type chicken production flocks. Membership is limited to veterinarians who provide significant veterinary service work to the egg layer industry.
Association of Poultry Consultants and Independent Laboratories
Steering Committee: Leonard Fussell, Gordon Whitbeck, Helen Wojcinski, Beth Krushinski, and Fred Hoerr (Contact)
The purposes of Association of Poultry Consultants and Independent Laboratories (APCIL) are to
- Exchange scientific information on poultry health, food safety and well-being,
- Foster professional networking and mentoring of poultry consultants and independent laboratory investigators, and
- Support business and career development.
APCIL comprises AAAP members who work as a private consultant in poultry health or who represent an independent poultry laboratory, and student members of AAAP interested in these career tracks. Poultry professionals interested in these career options are invited to apply.