ACPV Approved Training Programs

Avian Disease Specialist Residency Program
California Animal Health & Food Safety
Turlock Branch PO Box 1522
1550 N. Soderquist Rd.

Turlock, CA 95381
Dr. Simone Stoute

Master of Avian Medicine
UGA, Dept. of Population Health/PDRC

953 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602
Dr. Karen Grogan
[email protected]

Master of Avian Health and Medicine (Online Degree)
University of Georgia
953 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602
Dr. Karen Grogan
[email protected]

Master of Veterinary Science, Poultry Specialty
Mississippi State University

Poultry Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
PO Box 97813
Pearl, MS 39288
Dr. Martha Pulido-Landinez
[email protected]

Master of Science in Veterinary Biomedical Science, Poultry Specialty
Auburn University, College of Veterinary Medicine

266 Greene Hall
Auburn, Alabama 36849
Kellye S. Joiner, DVM, PhD
[email protected]

Poultry Health and Welfare Residency
North Carolina State University CVM

1060 William Moore Dr.
Raleigh, NC 27607
Dr. Rocio Crespo
[email protected]

Poultry Diagnostic Medicine Residency
Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

and Dept. of Comparative Pathobiology
406 S. University St. 
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Dr. Geoffrey Lossie
[email protected] 

Avian Medicine and Pathology Residency Program
Animal Diagnostic Laboratory

100 Wiley Lane
Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802-1110
Dr. Megan Lighty
(814) 863-0837
[email protected]

Combined PhD and Anatomic Pathology Residency Program with Poultry Emphasis
Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center
University of Georgia
Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center
953 College Station Road
Athens, GA 30602
Dr. Susan Williams
(706) 583-0523
[email protected]