Respiratory Diseases Committee

Mission Statement

The mission of the AAAP Respiratory Diseases Committee is to provide a forum for the discussion of the diagnosis and control of avian respiratory diseases. This is accomplished via volunteered and invited presentations to the committee at its annual committee meeting, by communicating continuing or emerging concerns to the members of AAAP, and by serving as coordinators for special programs on respiratory diseases when appropriate for the general session of the annual meeting. 

Committee Composition 

The AAAP Respiratory Diseases Committee has a Chair, a Chair Elect, and a core committee. The Chair and Chair Elect positions are for 2 years each. The Chair Elect serves for 2 years, then serves as Chair for the following 2 years. The Past Chair is encouraged to continue as a committee member. The Chair Elect is selected or elected by the members of the Core committee. The Chair and Chair Elect are recommended to the AAAP President every two years by the core members. The AAAP President must appoint all committee Chair as per the AAAP Bylaws. 

Core committee members are selected by self-nomination or invitation from the committee. The limit to serve as a core member is three years, and the core committee roster will be reviewed and updated every year during the Annual Meeting, based on attendance and involvement within the committee. 

Respiratory Diseases Committee Members Page
Respiratory Diseases Committee Forum

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