Enteric Diseases Committee

This committee welcomes anyone interested in enteric diseases of poultry to become members and participate fully. We seek to collectively work on enteric issues of economic importance to the Poultry industry. This includes bacterial, viral and coccidial diseases that are well researched and documented and as well as emerging issues. The committee meets at the annual AAAP meetings and as needed basis. We explore and recommend symposia and other educational tools that we think will be beneficial to the AAAP membership at large.

Mission Statement

The AAAP Enteric Disease committee mission is to acquire, interpret and communicate current information concerning gastrointestinal health issues of commercial poultry (broilers, egg layers, turkeys, breeders) to the poultry veterinarians.

Operating Guidelines

  • Provide a meeting at the AAAP annual meeting, in accordance with our Mission Statement.
  • Provide ongoing communications to Committee members via e-mail and fax, as deemed necessary in accordance with our Mission Statement.
  • Symposia delivered as important information is gathered and adequately interpreted.
  • Chairman position serves a 2-year term.
  • Vice-Chairman position serves a 2-year term, alternating with the selection of Chairman and assumes position of Chairman.
  • Chairman and vice-chairman positions are suggested to alternate between broiler production, broiler breeders, egg layers, egg breeders, turkey production, turkey breeders, vaccine and pharma companies.
  • Chairman and vice-chairman positions will be filled by volunteers and nominations. No "official" elections.
  • Primary method of communication will be via e-mail.
  • All Committee members are encouraged to use the e-mail list to communicate topics of interest, as needed.
  • When it is necessary for a committee vote, voting will be conducted via e-mail and tabulated within 14 days of distribution of the e-mail. Vote will be determined by simple majority of votes received (not simple majority of the total number of membership).
Enteric Diseases Committee Members Page
Enteric Diseases Committee Forum

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