Financial Auditing Committee

  • The Financial Auditing Committee is made up of three members in good standing that are appointed by the President.
  • The Committee shall meet with the Secretary-Treasurer after the Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting and review the financial records of the AAAP and the AAAP Foundation.
  • The Committee shall present their report to the membership at the Business Meeting and make a recommendation as acceptance of the report.
  • The membership shall then vote on the recommendation.

Committee Charge

The Financial Auditing Committee is responsible for reviewing the end of the fiscal year financial reports for AAAP Inc. and the AAAP Foundation. 

Committee Composition 

The committee is composed of three AAAP members with financial experience appointed by the President. The chair is one of the three members of the committee selected by the President. There are no specific terms for these positions. 

Key Roles and Responsibilities 

During the AAAP Annual Meeting but before the Annual Business Meeting, the committee meets with the Executive Vice President and the Executive Director. They review the end of the year compilation reports for both AAAP Inc. and the AAAP Foundation. The Executive Vice President and the Executive Director answer any questions regarding the financials. The Chair of the Financial Auditing Committee gives an oral report to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting. The report can include recommendations from the committee. 

Financial Auditing Committee Members Page

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