Epidemiology Committee

Mission Statement

To promote the application of epidemiological principles and methods for the purpose of solving poultry health, welfare, and food safety issues. The committee will support the AAAP by promoting topics and symposiums for which epidemiology offers a significant contribution. The committee will also promote epidemiological research by encouraging oral and poster presentations at annual meetings, making sure that such research is properly considered when awards are given. The committee also supports AAAP by producing or participating in editing documents relevant to the AAAP membership. The committee assists AAAP in providing research priorities by identifying research topics that should include an epidemiological component and comment on specific epidemiological studies when it is considered advisable. The committee also provides an epidemiological perspective to other AAAP committees, upon request for collaboration. 

A Partial Search in Avian Diseases on Epidemiology

Epidemiology Committee Members Page
Epidemiology Committee Forum

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