Position Statements and White Papers
- AAAP Guidelines for Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Poultry (October 2024)
- AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals (September 2024)
- AAAP Summary Position on H5N1 (July 2024)
- Poultry Depopulation Guide & Decision Tree (February, 2021)
- Statement on Black Lives Matter (June 2020)
- Recommendations for the Depopulation of Poultry Flocks (April 24, 2020)
- What we know about avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in poultry — and how that knowledge relates to the virus causing COVID-19 in humans
(March 23, 2020)
- Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Poultry Production
- AAAP Assessment and Update on Newcastle Disease Virus
- AAAP Antimicrobial Strategy for Stewardship Talking Points
- Judicious Use of Antibiotics in Poultry Production
- Core Principles of Antimicrobial Stewardship in Veterinary Medicine
- AAAP-AVMA Guidelines for Judicious Therapeutic Use of Antimicrobials in Poultry
(October 2017)
- Statement on Hormone use in Poultry
(December, 2016)
- Statement on Stunning of Commercial Poultry in North America
(December, 2016)
- White Paper on Breast Muscle Abnormalities in Broiler Chickens
(July 12, 2016)
- White Paper on Poultry Welfare and Careful Use of Antibiotics
(March 25, 2016)
- Statement on Use of Antiviral Pharmaceuticals in Poultry
(February, 2016)
- Statement on Antibiotic Feed Additives
(February, 2016)
- White Paper on the Judicious Use of Drugs Fed to Poultry and the Risks to Human Health
(February, 2016)
- Statement on Avian Influenza
(April, 2015)
- Statement on Feed Allocation Programs of Broiler Breeder Pullets
(November 2012)
- Statement on the Future of the Research Programs at USDA-ARS Avian Disease Oncology Laboratory (ADOL)
(August 2010)