Educational Resources Committee
Operating Guidelines
- Committee membership is made up of individuals who are members of AAAP and interested in actively serving on the Educational Resources Committee.
- An individual appointed by the President of the AAAP chairs the committee.
- The committee meets once every year in conjunction with the AAAP annual meeting. Communication on education issues at other times of the year may be done via teleconferencing, electronic mail, or U.S. mail.
- Within the committee one member will be responsible for managing review of AAAP slide sets and another member will be responsible for the AAAP booth. The AAAP office will be the contact point and responsible for making a reservation to display the AAAP booth at each AVMA meeting. In addition, the AAAP will be responsible for shipping the booth to the meeting.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Educational Resources Committee is to develop, evaluate and provide educational materials for people preparing for careers in poultry health, their instructors, and for the continuing education of AAAP members.
Committee Composition
The Educational Resources Committee membership is composed of individuals who are members of AAAP and interested in actively serving on the Educational Resources Committee. Any AAAP member is welcome to join the Educational Resources Committee. The Educational Resources Committee has a Chair (appointed by the AAAP President), Chair Elect, board liaison, core committee members, subcommittees and additional committee members who assist with the review of educational materials. The core committee members are determined during the annual meeting of the AAAP and usually serve 1 to 3-year terms. The Educational Resources Committee meets once every year in conjunction with the AAAP annual meeting. Communication at other times of the year may be done via teleconferencing, electronic mail, or U.S. mail.
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