May 16th from 1:30 - 4:30 PM EST
3 Continuing Education Credit Hours
Dr. Sunil Mor, Dr. Molly Parker, Dr. Sarah Tilley, Dr. Dallas Clontz, and Dr. Holly Sellers
Hosted by the TIME and Respiratory Diseases Committees
This webinar is being presented to review the most recent and up-to-date information surrounding the current avian metapneumovirus outbreak in chickens and turkeys in the United States. Within this webinar broiler and turkey veterinarians will present on the field presentation and clinical findings of the disease, diagnostic and research laboratories will present on laboratory identification, sequencing, and virus isolation efforts, and histopathologists will present on specific lesions seen with infection of AMPV.
The overall learning objective of this webinar will be an understanding of the clinical presentation and lesions after infection, risk factors of disease, and diagnostic findings of the current AMPV impacting the US poultry sector.
Dr. David Halvorson and Dr. Steven Clark
Organized by the AAAP Epidemiology Committee
Avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) has been a significant concern in the poultry industry. This webinar discusses the history of aMPV in the United States. We explore the evolutionary trajectory of the virus, its transmission dynamics, and the factors contributing to its spread. Presented by Dr. David Halvorson (Professor from the University of Minnesota). Additionally, the webinar provides up-to-date insights into the current outbreak situation, including the latest trends, control measures, and ongoing research efforts aimed at mitigating its impact. Presented by Dr. Steven Clark (Professional Veterinary Services Manager from Turkeys Huepharma Inc.).
Recent outbreaks of ILTV have renewed our interest in genotyping and characterizing outbreak-related isolates and reviewing experimental evidence related to the efficacy of different vaccination programs available to combat the disease. We will cover both topics in the presentation. This presentation will be conducted by Dr. Maricarmen Garcia on February 16, 2024 at 2:00PM EST and will be recorded for registrants to access.
Duration: 03:25:16
7.5 Continuing Education Credit Hours
The 2023 ACPV Workshop is titled, “Enterococcus: An Old Dog with New Tricks”. Topics include an overview of EC infections in poultry, the dynamics of EC infections in broiler production, Enterococcus cecorum sepsis: polyphyletic origin, Q&A, the European perspective of EC infections, and emphasis on field experiences. Speakers include Drs. Luke Borst, Martha Pulido, Douglas Rhoads, Arne Jung, Grace Mountainspring, and Kevin Kessler.