Annual Meeting Sponsorship Committee
Committee Members
Kabel Robbins Eric Gingerich Reece Bowers
Committee Charge
The committee is charged with procuring sponsorships for the AAAP Annual Meeting.
Committee Composition
The committee is composed of three members appointed by the President with the advice of the Board of Directors. Each member represents a different aspect of the poultry industry: broilers, egg/layer, and turkeys. The term for committee members is three years with terms staggered so that one member will rotate off each year. However, members can renew for another 3 years when their term is up. All members are co-Chairs and the AAAP office is an active member of the committee.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
The committee works closely with the AAAP office who is responsible for sending correspondence to prospective sponsors, collecting funds, and recording them on the sponsor spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is shared electronically so that all committee members as well as the office can manipulate the data. Work begins in the March timeframe.
- Each committee member is assigned a portion of the prospective sponsors listed in the sponsor spreadsheet. The assignments are mostly divided by industry type.
- Committee members add any new companies to the prospective sponsor list.
- Committee members review and update the list to make sure the correct contact person, email, and address is listed.
- The committee reviews the request letters and updates as needed. There is a first-time support letter and a returning sponsorship letter.
- The AAAP office sends out hard copies of the letters in the beginning of March.
- The AAAP office emails copies of the same letter two weeks later.
- The committee begins follow up calls after the emails are sent.
- The office updates the spreadsheet as sponsorship money comes in. Monies received that week will always be listed by Friday, end of day.
- The Scientific Program booklet is printed in the June/July timeframe depending on the date of the annual meeting. The committee’s goal is to have sponsorship contributions in by then so that the companies can appear in the program.
- By August 15, a written report is submitted to the Board of Directors.
- By September 30, the AAAP office will review the Annual Meeting Sponsorship Committee’s current entry in the Policies and Procedures Manual. They will send any revisions to the Bylaws Review Committee to accurately describe the current work or procedures of the committee or notify the Bylaws Review Committee that the entry should remain the same.