Histopathology / Case Report Interest Group

Join us for the inaugural AAAP avian histopathology interest group virtual session to be held on Tuesday July 2 from noon to 3PM CST. There will be an opening presentation, by invited speaker Dr. Fred Hoerr, entitled “Production-Integrated Gut Histopathology,” followed by slide case presentations from AAAP members. Potential presenters are asked to submit a title or a brief abstract (less than 25 words) of an interesting histology case to Dr. Rob Porter at [email protected]. The submitted presentations will be accepted in order until all slots are filled. The deadline for abstract submission is Friday June 28.

Join the Virtual Meeting

Mission Statement
a. Provide a forum for review of histopathology from cases of spontaneous and experimental diseases of birds
b. Provide a forum for discussion and exchange of avian histopathology slides and digital image for education and preservation.
c. Provide for updating future edition of Avian Histopathology.
d. Provide standard materials for quality control and quality assurance.
e. Provide speakers and materials for educational meetings on avian diagnostic medicine.

Histopathology Interest Group Members Page

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