Call For Abstracts for the 2024 Annual Meeting
Deadline: February 1st, 2024
Click here to submit your abstract
The AAAP is calling for abstracts to be presented at the 2024 AAAP Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO on July 9-11. The deadline to submit an abstract is February 1st, 2024. You will be notified of your submission status on March 4th, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the AAAP business office at [email protected] or 904-425-5735.
- You must be a AAAP member to submit an abstract. Join AAAP if you are not already a member.
- This will be a hybrid meeting, meaning you have the option of presenting in person or by recorded presentation. Recorded Presentations will be prerecorded and uploaded to AAAP’s learning management system. Attendees of the meeting will be able to view (but not download) the presentation for a period of 25 days between July 1 and July 25. Oral presentations will not be recorded and will remain in-person only.
- Please read our speaker agreement carefully before submitting.
- Oral Presentations are 15 minutes, 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions.
- Posters should be no bigger than 4’ by 4’
- The AAAP provides travel support to speakers upon request. Travel support is given from a fixed pool of funds evenly to all speakers who request it. This means if you do not require travel support more is available for other speakers who do.
- Presenters have registration fees waived using a discount code that will be provided with your abstract acceptance letter. Presenters must not share this code with any other parties.
- Any changes you would like to make to your submission must be submitted through our change request form.