Call For Abstracts 75th North Central Avian Disease Conference
Call For Abstracts
75th North Central Avian Disease Conference
Minneapolis Convention Center
Minneapolis, Minnesota April 16 – 17, 2024
This is a call for Titles and Abstracts for the North Central Avian Disease Conference (NCADC). We are excited to announce that it will be held in person. This year’s NCADC will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16 – 17, 2024 at the Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, in conjunction with the PEAK 2024 Convention.
All are encouraged to submit Titles and Abstracts for 2024 NCADC program. Topics may include (but are not limited to) poultry medicine research studies, case reports, diagnostics, enhancement of biosecurity or any updates regarding specific poultry diseases.
The deadline for title and abstract submission is March 1st, 2024. A disposition regarding your submitted abstract(s) will be communicated by March 15th, 2024. Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes. Monetary prizes for the Pomeroy Best Graduate Student Presentation and the Best Case Report will be awarded.
Please follow these submission instructions for titles and abstracts:
- Titles and abstracts should be submitted in a word file formatted with Times New Roman font at a size of 12 point single spacing document. Margins, in all directions, must be an inch
- The title can be 150 characters maximum. Spaces are not included in the title character count
- List of authors affiliations including presenting author’s Phone/Fax/Email and address
- Abstract should include introduction, procedures, results and conclusions.
- Title and abstract should not exceed one page in length
- If you submit more than one abstract, please use one file per title and designate the order of preference
- Email your submissions to Dr. Tim Johnson at [email protected]
In your submission email indicate if you would like to participate in the Pomeroy Best Graduate Student Presentation Award or the Best Case Report Award.
The 75thNorth Central Avian Disease Conference will be held immediately before the PEAK 2024 Convention at its venue in lovely downtown Minneapolis, MN. There is good access by air and road. This is a premier gathering for veterinarians and affiliated professionals in poultry.
Register for the Conference here: