AAAP is Seeking Nominations for AAAP's Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates
AAAP is Seeking Nominations for AAAP's Alternate Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates
Nominations can be Submitted Here. Deadline for nominations is April 15, 2021.
The AVMA House of Delegates is the principal body within the AVMA responsible for establishing policy and providing direction for matters relating to veterinary medicine. It is also the representative body of the Principal and Constituent Allied Veterinary Organizations of the AVMA. AAAP is a Constituent Allied Veterinary Organization to the AVMA. The House of Delegates a. Approves all changes to the AVMA’s Articles of Incorporation; b. Amends, alters, or repeals the AVMA Bylaws; c. Approves all changes to the Veterinarian’s Oath; d. Votes on all matters properly brought before the House of Delegates; e. Solicits, processes, and communicates membership needs to the AVMA Board of Directors; f. Participates in the AVMA’s strategic planning; g. Elects members to serve on the AVMA’s councils, with the exception of the Council on Education; h. Elects the AVMA President-Elect and Vice President, and, when necessary, President; and i. Elects members to the committees established by the House of Delegates. AAAP is an allied constituent organization to the AVMA. As such, AAAP’s representation in the House of Delegates consists of one delegate and one alternate delegate.
The House of Delegates has two regular sessions each year. One is held in conjunction with the AVMA annual convention and the other in conjunction with the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference. The site for the AVMA convention changes from year to year. The Veterinary Leadership Conference is held in January in Schaumberg, Illinois. Special sessions of the House of Delegates may be called per the rules outlined in the AVMA bylaws. Travel expenses to House of Delegate sessions can be reimbursed by AAAP. Electronic correspondence is conducted throughout the year. Delegates and Alternate Delegates are expected to be informed on the issues before the House as well as communicate them to the AAAP Board of Directors.
Delegate and Alternate Delegate Terms of Office
- The term of office for the AAAP delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates and the AAAP alternate delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates is 4 years.
- Every four years, an AAAP member will be selected by the AAAP Board of Directors to serve as the AAAP’s alternate delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates.
- At the completion of an alternate delegate’s four-year term, he/she will assume the position AAAP delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates.
- Should the delegate be unable to complete his/her term of office, the alternate delegate will assume the role to complete the term. Once the term is completed, the BOD may appoint the delegate for another four-year term.
- Should the alternate delegate be unable to complete his/her term of office, the BOD will appoint another AAAP member to complete the term. Once the term is completed, the alternate delegate will assume the role of AAAP Delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates.
- Any AAAP member in good standing who has previously served in the AVMA House of Delegates is also eligible, provided he/she is re-nominated and re-elected to serve the AAAP alternate delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates.
- The Delegate and Alternate Delegate serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and can be removed at any time if deemed necessary.
Alternate Delegate Criteria
- The AAAP alternate delegate and AAAP delegate to the AVMA House of Delegates shall be an AAAP member in good standing and shall reside in the United States and/or territory.
- All candidates must have prior service in AAAP and/or AVMA. These candidates should have served on an AVMA committee or have served on the AAAP BOD.
- Candidates should have a strong understanding of the importance of organized veterinary medicine (i.e., what AVMA does), who is involved on staff at AVMA, and the value that AVMA has for the poultry/food animal sector. This experience & exposure may come from participation in AVMA leadership events (ex: future leaders) or from active representation on AVMA committees/councils.
- Candidates should have proven experience with being capable with technology & being responsive (email, phone). AVMA typically has in-person meetings but increasingly there is an expectation for communication to take place via virtual meetings, online platforms, etc.
Selection Process
The Board of Directors shall send out a call for nominations to AAAP membership on March 1st for qualified candidates to serve on the AVMA House of Delegates. Nominations will close on April 15th. The AAAP Board of Directors shall also seek and nominate qualified candidates for the position. All qualified candidates will interview with the BOD and the current HOD delegates Between April 15th and May 15th. The BOD will select the alternate delegate by a majority vote by May 30th. AAAP will send the name of the chosen alternate delegate and nomination form to AVMA by August 15th so the new alternate delegate can start their term at the Winter HOD meeting.
March 10 Call for nominations
April 15 Nominations close
April 15-May15 Candidate Interviews
May 30 Announce Alternate Delegate